

The Artist

Press Kit


Where to Find Windrow Works



We thank you for your patience, those who keep waiting to see prices on these pages. The Cable Easel is almost done being uploaded to YouTube for your enjoyment, and once that's over Mr. Webmaster will have time to start going through this site with an eye toward pricing what's available and marking what isn't. In the meantime...

Art's monetary value fluctuates: Patricia Windrow's works have sold for from hundreds to thousands of dollars each. Since her death in 2013, selected works have been for public sale at just one location, Bluebells in Winchester, Virginia, continuing an arrangement begun by Patricia herself.   Her estate is deciding which of her original works will be for sale through this website; meanwhile, please keep checking back or write to us via the Contact page about any images in particular that appear here; prints of some pieces will also become available for purchase.

Occasionally we are contacted about Windrow works acquired perhaps decades ago: the inquiries — when not for general information regarding location, subject matter, etc. — are often about assigning a price to a work.

Art customarily has no intrinsic value and is worth only what someone will pay for it.   In a world where a white canvas with a few blotches of paint flung onto it can command six figures if the work's artist is in vogue, while a similar work by someone's dear old aunt can't be given away, the price is, as they say, what the market will bear.   Therefore, we cannot accurately value anyone's works, regardless of age, period, style, etc.; we can only say that Patricia Windrow's talent and technical proficiency should fetch her art a competitive price at any time.

If you have such questions about a Windrow you own, we suggest having it appraised by a reputable art dealer. (Assessing the dealer's reputation is up to you.) We regret that the truth is not always helpful.

If you have other questions about matters Windrow or this website, please use the Contact page.

(last update: January 2023)




Still Life



Functional Art


Site Designer: Tami Swartz. Webmaster: Adam Klein